Do not access, use, or join the Site if you do not agree to comply with and be bound by each of every term contained in these Terms of Use

The Site’s Content

The Site contains audiovisual and photographic adult entertainment protected as intellectual property.

By using, accessing, or joining the Site, you acknowledge that you are aware of the Site’s content, that you are not offended by the Site’s content, and that you are accessing the Site freely, voluntarily, and willingly.

You additionally acknowledge that viewing pornography is not unlawful or illegal in the jurisdiction where you reside or where you are viewing the Content.
Age of Majority

In order to use view or access the intellectual property on the Site, you must have reached the age of majority in the jurisdiction where you reside.

Restrictions on Use

a. Sharing the Content with third parties, including but not limited to, on porn tube sites, in file lockers, or in bit torrent swarms, or any other similar technology.
b. Duplicating any portion of the Site or the Content on the Site.
c. Publicly displaying the Site or any of the Content on the Site.
d. Remove any proprietary notices, including copyright and trademark notices and watermarks, from any of the intellectual property on the Site.
e. Creating derivative works with regards to any of the Content on the Site.
f. Using the intellectual property on the Site for anything other than personal, non-commercial use without express permission, including as a competitor, as a member of a local or federal law enforcement officer, government employee, or as an agent of the aforementioned.


While WE grant anyone willing to abide by each and every provision of these Terms of Use a limited, non-exclusive, revocable, non-transferable license to view the public areas of the Site, you must become a member of the Site to obtain a limited, non-exclusive, revocable, non-transferable license to the non-public areas of the Site. You are only permitted to access the non-public areas of the Site if you are a member in good standing.


You agree to defend and indemnify Whale Member, its officers, directors, employees, or agents should your actions harm any third party or if Whale Member is forced to defend itself from any civil or criminal action brought be a third party related to your actions. If such a situation occurs, WE will inform you via the email address you provided in your Registration Data within 7 days of learning of the situation. Whale Member reserves the right to engage in its own defense and retain its own counsel in the event such a situation arises. This includes any action brought by someone who was offended by the Content on the Site. This includes damages that are directly, indirectly, or consequentially related to your actions.


a. WE reserve the right to terminate your license and membership immediately if it has reason to suspect that you have used the Site or the Content in a manner that violates any law.
b. There may be Content on the Site that you find offensive. In the event of such an occurrence, you agree to cease use of the Site immediately. c. In the event that you use the Site or the Content in a manner that violates any law, WE may cooperate with law enforcement or the aggrieved parties.


If Whale Member terminates your rights to use the Whale Member license because you have breached this Agreement, you shall not be entitled to the refund of any unused portion of subscription fees.